libE57Format 3.1.1
C++ library to read & write the E57 file format for point cloud data
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBlobNodeAn E57 element encoding an fixed-length sequence of bytes with an opaque format
 CCartesianBoundsSpecifies an axis-aligned box in local cartesian coordinates
 CColorLimitsSpecifies the limits for the value of red, green, and blue color that a sensor is capable of producing
 CCompressedVectorNodeAn E57 element containing ordered vector of child nodes, stored in an efficient binary format
 CCompressedVectorReaderAn iterator object keeping track of a read in progress from a CompressedVectorNode
 CCompressedVectorWriterAn iterator object keeping track of a write in progress to a CompressedVectorNode
 CCylindricalRepresentationStores an image that is mapped from 3D using a cylindrical projection model
 CData3DStores the top-level information for a single lidar scan
 CData3DPointsData_tStores pointers to user-provided buffers
 CDateTimeEncodes date and time
 CE57ExceptionObject thrown by E57 API functions to communicate the conditions of an error
 CE57RootStores the top-level information for the XML section of the file
 CFloatNodeAn E57 element encoding a single or double precision IEEE floating point number
 CGroupingByLineStores a set of point groups organized by the rowIndex or columnIndex attribute of the PointRecord
 CImage2DStores an image from a camera
 CImageFileAn ASTM E57 3D format file object
 CIndexBoundsStores the minimum and maximum of rowIndex, columnIndex, and returnIndex fields for a set of points
 CIntegerNodeAn E57 element encoding an integer value
 CIntensityLimitsSpecifies the limits for the value of signal intensity that a sensor is capable of producing
 CLineGroupRecordStores information about a single group of points in a row or column
 CNodeGeneric handle to any of the 8 types of E57 element objects
 CPinholeRepresentationStores an image that is mapped from 3D using the pinhole camera projection model
 CPointGroupingSchemesSupports the division of points within an Data3D into logical groupings
 CPointStandardizedFieldsAvailableUsed to interrogate if standardized fields are available
 CQuaternionRepresents a rigid body rotation
 CReaderUsed for reading an E57 file using E57 Simple API
 CReaderOptionsOptions to the Reader constructor
 CRigidBodyTransformDefines a rigid body transform in cartesian coordinates
 CScaledIntegerNodeAn E57 element encoding a fixed point number
 CSourceDestBufferA memory buffer to transfer data to/from a CompressedVectorNode in a block
 CSphericalBoundsStores the bounds of some data in spherical coordinates
 CSphericalRepresentationStores an image that is mapped from 3D using a spherical projection model
 CStringNodeAn E57 element encoding a Unicode character string value
 CStructureNodeAn E57 element containing named child nodes
 CTranslationDefines a rigid body translation in Cartesian coordinates
 CVectorNodeAn E57 element containing ordered vector of child nodes
 CVisualReferenceRepresentationStores an image that is to be used only as a visual reference
 CWriterUsed for writing an E57 file using the E57 Simple API
 CWriterOptionsOptions to the Writer constructor