libE57Format 3.1.1
C++ library to read & write the E57 file format for point cloud data
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Ce57::BlobNodeAn E57 element encoding an fixed-length sequence of bytes with an opaque format
 Ce57::CartesianBoundsSpecifies an axis-aligned box in local cartesian coordinates
 Ce57::ColorLimitsSpecifies the limits for the value of red, green, and blue color that a sensor is capable of producing
 Ce57::CompressedVectorNodeAn E57 element containing ordered vector of child nodes, stored in an efficient binary format
 Ce57::CompressedVectorReaderAn iterator object keeping track of a read in progress from a CompressedVectorNode
 Ce57::CompressedVectorWriterAn iterator object keeping track of a write in progress to a CompressedVectorNode
 Ce57::CylindricalRepresentationStores an image that is mapped from 3D using a cylindrical projection model
 Ce57::Data3DStores the top-level information for a single lidar scan
 Ce57::Data3DPointsData_t< COORDTYPE >Stores pointers to user-provided buffers
 Ce57::DateTimeEncodes date and time
 Ce57::E57RootStores the top-level information for the XML section of the file
 Ce57::E57ExceptionObject thrown by E57 API functions to communicate the conditions of an error
 Ce57::FloatNodeAn E57 element encoding a single or double precision IEEE floating point number
 Ce57::GroupingByLineStores a set of point groups organized by the rowIndex or columnIndex attribute of the PointRecord
 Ce57::Image2DStores an image from a camera
 Ce57::ImageFileAn ASTM E57 3D format file object
 Ce57::IndexBoundsStores the minimum and maximum of rowIndex, columnIndex, and returnIndex fields for a set of points
 Ce57::IntegerNodeAn E57 element encoding an integer value
 Ce57::IntensityLimitsSpecifies the limits for the value of signal intensity that a sensor is capable of producing
 Ce57::LineGroupRecordStores information about a single group of points in a row or column
 Ce57::NodeGeneric handle to any of the 8 types of E57 element objects
 Ce57::PinholeRepresentationStores an image that is mapped from 3D using the pinhole camera projection model
 Ce57::PointGroupingSchemesSupports the division of points within an Data3D into logical groupings
 Ce57::PointStandardizedFieldsAvailableUsed to interrogate if standardized fields are available
 Ce57::QuaternionRepresents a rigid body rotation
 Ce57::ReaderUsed for reading an E57 file using E57 Simple API
 Ce57::ReaderOptionsOptions to the Reader constructor
 Ce57::RigidBodyTransformDefines a rigid body transform in cartesian coordinates
 Ce57::ScaledIntegerNodeAn E57 element encoding a fixed point number
 Ce57::SourceDestBufferA memory buffer to transfer data to/from a CompressedVectorNode in a block
 Ce57::SphericalBoundsStores the bounds of some data in spherical coordinates
 Ce57::SphericalRepresentationStores an image that is mapped from 3D using a spherical projection model
 Ce57::StringNodeAn E57 element encoding a Unicode character string value
 Ce57::StructureNodeAn E57 element containing named child nodes
 Ce57::TranslationDefines a rigid body translation in Cartesian coordinates
 Ce57::VectorNodeAn E57 element containing ordered vector of child nodes
 Ce57::VisualReferenceRepresentationStores an image that is to be used only as a visual reference
 Ce57::WriterUsed for writing an E57 file using the E57 Simple API
 Ce57::WriterOptionsOptions to the Writer constructor